Alder, Milly

Milly Alder an Ernst Haeckel, London, 31. Mai 1911

12 Wilmot Place

Camden Road.,

London, West


Dear Prof. Haeckel,

Although it is now a comparatively long time since your accident happened, yet I do hope that my enquiry as to your progress will not be regarded as remiss. A newspaper report is hardly sufficient to give one a definite idea as to the seriousness or otherwise of your condition, yet I sincerely trust that you have not || been wholly rendered an invalid. Is your foot or leg very painful still? I should like to know, if possible, whether you are any better. My best hopes for a proper recovery are with you.

I have recently heard again from the editor of the Advocate. He regards the point at issue as a very simple onea, stipulating that the charge of dishonesty is amply proved. He bases his whole reply on one statement made by you viz, “I will directly confess that || a small part of my numerous illustrations (perhaps 6% or 8%) is ‚falsificated’ actually (in Dr. Brass sense).”

This confession, he regards, „sheds an interesting light” on your unwillingness to bring Dr. Brass before a court of law.

Despite the fact that I have written to him at great length, putting forward all that you have said on the subject, he hangs hold on this one instance, stating that „to believe that a single skull cap, femur, and 2 teeth form a part || of the ‚missing link’ requires far more faith than does the sublime statement of the writer of Genesis “God created man in his owm image”. Certainly it seems incomprehensible that one can so regard the tangible and the intangible. Still, I have again written to him, but I am not hopeful of getting any satisfaction.

Do hope this short note will not be too toying for you to see and consider.

Trusting you are progressing favourably in every way


yours sincerely

Milly Alder.

a eingef.: one


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