Barnard, William Stebbins

William Stebbins Barnard an Ernst Haeckel, Canton, 23. Juni 1874


Canton, Illinois,

June 23. 1874.

My dear Professor Haeckel,

You probably know that diplomas, certificates and commendatory letters from institutions and men of great repute are of very great importance to anyone seeking a professorship in America. Therefore I humbly ask if you will add one more to the many friendly favours you have done for me (and for which I am under very great obligations), by writing for my use two copies of a very ||


short commendatory note signifying the particular departments in which I was examined at Jena, which of them is my specialty, (Zoölogy) and the degree of excellence in it (not stating the degree of excellence in Botany & Geology, as I wish to apply for a position to teach Zoöl. only) similar to the following?

Jena, July – 1874.

To whom it may concern!

This is to certify the diploma granted to Mr. W. S. Barnard by the University of Jena was for an examination in Botany, Geology and Zoölogy, this last science (Zoölogy) being his specialty, in which he manifested the _ _ _ _ degree of Excellence.

Ernst Haeckel,

Prof. of Zoölogy


Even one such note will be of very great value to me.

Since leaving Jena nearly all my time and attention has been given to the study of microscopic animals and structures. Last Winter I gave a few lectures on Protozoa, Coelenterata and worms, in New York. This summer Agassiz has engaged me to instruct and lecture on Protozoa at his normal (teachers) school of natural science. After spending the summer with Agassiz I shall teach Botany, Geology and Zoölogy in a teachers school in California, provided I do not get a better position where I can teach Zoölogy only in a university.

I shall be very glad if ||


I can be of any service to you in America; if there is anything I can do for you let me know it please!

I shall always look back to the knowledge and influence which you exerted on me in Jena as the pleasantest and most important part of my whole course of study.

With kindest regards and highest esteem for yourself and your most excellent wife, I remain ever faithfully your friend and pupil,

W. S. Barnard,

P.S – Address until Sept. 1st.a

Penikese Island,

Off Newbedfort, Mass.

U. S. America.

a eingef.: P.S – Address until Sept. 1st.


Letter metadata

Besitzende Institution
EHA Jena
EHA Jena, A 8135